Baby Ronnie
On Friday I had the awesome opportunity to not only attend but photograph a friend's (and fellow photographer's) birth. Heather and her husband, Ron, chose to have a home birth for their baby. I call Heather a "birth expert" since this is her 5th baby Earth side. Heather text me the night before letting me know it would probably be tomorrow, she was right! I wrapped up a newborn session and headed over to Heather's home to find her extremely calm and collected. Heather's oldest daughter welcomed me and was beaming from ear to ear at the thought that she would soon have a new sibling.

Heather was really fortunate to have such a supportive husband. Ron was by her side through the entire 20+ hour labor. He knew his role during the process and was incredibly kind and sweet to Heather throughout it all. While I was there I witnessed Ron continually affirming Heather and her decision to have a home birth as well as rub her back and tell her how great she was doing. It was awesome to witness the love these two have for each other.
I started photographing the labor phase and got to spend a few moments with her 2nd youngest who I could just literally eat up! Annabelle and I waited for what seemed like hardly at all and before we knew it Heather said the baby was almost all the way out.

Moments later Heather was holding the precious new addition on her chest and relishing in the fact that she had just birthed her 2nd son. The whole family was really excited about adding a boy! Heather was a champ during the entire thing. Way to make it look east Heather. Congratulations on your new and beautiful addition, Ronnie. He's breathtaking. Thank you for letting me be apart of it! Birth Photography holds a special place in my heart, thats for sure.

Welcome to the world, Ronnie!
-Rachel Langlois