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Ryan & Alicia

If I had to use one word to describe Alicia it would be, organized. I have never met a more efficient or organized bride. It was a wedding photographers dream come true. Alicia thought out every detail of the day and it paid off! The day was perfect from start to finish and ran like a well oiled machine. My 2nd shooter, Heather Lebda, and I loved having the day so well thought out.

Wedding Flowers

Wedding Dress

Ryan and Alicia were married at River Valley Christian Fellowship Church in Bradley, IL. They had a beautiful ceremony that consisted of their close friends reading scriptures and her very own brother and his fiance doing a beautiful musical piece that had the entire sanctuary in chills.

Wedding Ceremony

After the ceremony the bridal party was able to slip away to a local park for more photos. They had a great bridal party. They were all easy going and fun to photograph. Jayden, the flower girl, was so photogenic it was hard to stop taking photos of her.

Bride & Groom

Daddy Daughter Wedding Photo
Bridal Party

The couple's reception took place at the Hilton Garden Inn in Kankakee, IL. The reception hall was beautifully decorated in Gold and Navy. Alicia had clearly put a lot of thought into every detail. The food was amazing and the dancing was a hit by all the guest. I cant say that I have ever seen a dance floor so packed out. Their DJ Jason Neuman did a phenomenal job of keeping people out of their seats. Fun was to be had by all.

Reception Photo

The couple had a beautiful day and I was honored to be apart of it. Congratulations Ryan & Alicia.

-Rachel Langlois

Groom Photo
Bride & Groom

Bride & Groom Urban

Bride Urban

River Valley Christian:

Hilton Garden Inn:

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