Rachel Langlois Photography
In the middle of the busiest summer of my career, I figured I should add one more things- a blog. SO here it is.
Rachel Langlois Photography has been in the works for 6 years now. Starting of as a "momtographer" with a fancy camera, a cute kid, and no formal training I am happy to say I have come a long way. I never imagined I would still be at this. Over the last 6 years have I have 'trialed and errored' the heck out of many different styles, techniques, and approaches. Im really happy that I now feel like I have found my place. I can honestly say I have found the light I love, the style I love, and the type of sessions I like to conduct. I'm still evolving many different avenues of photography and Im always learning something new, but I am happy with what I do. Ive had several people tell me to hone in on a few select specialities and only do those. And i made the mistake of listening. I eliminated my weaknesses and fears and stuck with what I was easy. But this year I decided, I don't want to limit my capabilities or talents. Not everything is my strong suit, but I love a challenge. I am hungry to learn more. I had a huge fear of shooting newborns. And this is an understatement. Newborns were a unique and scary beast in my photographer eyes. They were unpredictable and fragile and therefore should probably be avoided. But in February this past year I attended an outstanding 2 day workshop in Houston, TX hosted by Blissful Baby. My naive eyes were wide opened and I fell in love with the entire process. The way they were able to capture these brand new humans in such creative ways had me captivated. I soaked in every detail they taught. And I am super happy to announce that I am successfully photographing newborns now in my own studio. I love everything about these newborns; from the tiny little detail shots to the fuzzy angora hats and props shots. These sessions have quickly grown on my "absolute favorite sessions" list. The connection between these moms & dads with their precious little humans is breathtaking and I get to first hand witness these connections. Nothing Better. Nothing.
What I am getting at is, Ive decided to stop limiting myself & Im super stoked I did. Long live Rachel Langlois Photography!